miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008

Why church planting?

Put another way, it could be said that the church is God’s plan A; there is no plan B. He has always intended to create a people for his own possession (1 Peter 2:9). This has been God’s plan from all eternity, first expressed in the Garden of Eden, through the people of Israel, and into the New Testament church. From the first pages of Scripture, we see that God had in mind more than the mere conversion of individuals. Rather, he intended that those who had been alienated from God and others would now be enfolded into a new community. And in that community, or church, Christ would dwell in fullness and give life to his new creation. Therefore, fulfillment of the Great Commission must reflect God’s emphasis: the establishment of new churches committed to following Christ.

If missions is about the expansion of God’s kingdom, then the priority of missions must be to establish churches where none exist (Romans 15:20). Because it is God’s plan that all peoples will worship him (Revelation 7), the Church must cross cultural barriers to establish communities of believers among every people group.Representing the Presbyterian Church in America, the efforts of Mission to the World to take the gospel, in both word and deed, are focused on the goal of church planting. We look to God for His direction and blessing of our efforts to raise up churches and see His kingdom come on the earth

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